One to One Yoga
Yoga is about finding joy, peace and stillness in a body and mind free of tension.
One to One Personal Yoga Coaching
Personal yoga coaching provides you with all the tools you need to develop your own confident practice.
You will learn how to move your body with intention, use your breath to connect with your physical, mental and emotional body, while being aware of the present moment.
Individual instruction and attention to how your body and mind are responding can be a great support in helping you build confidence for the rest of your day, assisting you to practice safely, and helping you observe, investigate and become more self-aware.
Yoga leads you into a safe space, where you can surrender and let go of anything you don't need in the moment. A regular practice can provide you with noticeable benefits, giving you better strength and resilience, more focus and clarity, all of which has significant outcomes towards improving your mental and physical health.
Be guided in a more restorative Yin Yoga style, developing passive poses and stretches that target specific areas of the body to relieve fatigue, pain, muscle tension or stiffness. This helps unwind the connective tissue that is inclined to become tight and constrIcted due to lifestyle, injury or stress.
Develop strength, flexibility, resilience and power through Yoga Fusion a dynamic flow of Yang Yoga, blended with gentle Yin poses. Sequences follow a moving vinyasa flow to include weight bearing, stretching and balancing postures.
If you're 50 plus and haven't exercised for a while, adding Chair Yoga into your daily practice can dramatically improve your quality of life, especially if you suffer aches and pains in your lower back or battle with stiff knees or tight hips.
There is also the advantage of tailoring the practice to suit your individual needs, giving us plenty of scope to work together and combine Yin and Yang yoga for the best possible outcome.
My teaching style is based on the traditions of Hatha yoga and the eight limbs of ashtanga to include the Yamas - moral vows, Niyamas - positive duties, Asana - postures, Pranayama - breathing exercises, Pratyahara - sense of withdrawal, Dharana - focused concentration, Dhyana - meditation and Samadhi - enlightenment.
A series of sessions will give you the knowledge and awareness to practice with confidence at your own pace, in your own time.
Online Personal Yoga Coaching
Choose from Yoga Fusion, Yin Yoga or Chair Yoga
Four (60 MInute) personal sessions - Online £90
One to One Yoga Coaching - In Studio
Four (60 Minute) personal sessions - In-Studio £140
Contact me here for a free discovery call.