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The Three Pieces Of Meditation

finding peace in the pause

Free Zoom Workshop Tuesday 18 February 1pm



In the rush of our lives, it’s easy to become distracted, overwhelmed and stop listening to ourselves.

We all need to slow down because right now we are living in a fast pace world that has no room for SLOW.


What most people want more than anything else, is to be healthy and happy. A goal that is getting harder to reach these days and frankly we are so depleted and stressed out, wired and inexplicably tired that we’ve lost touch with the deepest part of ourselves, our spiritual self - our JOY.


Wouldn't it be wonderful to slow down and find stillness - a much-needed skill?


Slowing down helps you enjoy life as it is right now, which is why many people turn to meditation. A simple meditation practice is a wonderful tool to help you pause, if only for a few minutes, and just be. Many think the practice is hard to do or believe it’s not for them because they can’t switch off or be still. But I can assure you when you slow down all of these things are possible.


When you join my FREE ZOOM workshop, you’ll discover powerful tools to help you start or deepen your meditation practice.

It will also give you a chance to learn more about the immersion of my six-week

Pieces of Meditation course - finding Peace in the Pause.

You’ll have a chance to ask me questions and explore if this is an area you'd like to deep dive into.


What you’ll find out in this workshop -


  • How to bring yourself into the moment.

  • Look at The Three Piecse of Meditation principles


  • Join me in a sequence of warm-up exercises,


  • Experience a simple calming breathwork technique


  • Learn a powerful meditation tool to help you let go of irritability.

  • Be guided through a restful meditation, to slow you down.


#Your Bonus Gift

For completing the workshop you'll receive my seven-minute Surrender Meditation video.

Come and join us by clicking the link below.

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